Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday brunch with AIESECers makes work better

Dear AIESECers, 

     what naturally comes after a week of intense work, receiving new trainees in your LC (local commitee)?

     That's right! Evaluation and feedback session!

     I could not help but post this nice pictures that show how we spent the end of our first week in Germany, looking now back at how it all started. (Two and a half months since the bBox Project beganhave already passed!).

     In our first week at Fiducia IT AG, LC Karlsruhe has been carefully organizing workshops and trainings to help us really become a team and it was important for them to be given feedback. Why? So that, maybe, you, the next Xchangers that come and experience here, could benefit from even better planning and support. 

                                                                                     The most colorful office ever seen :)
Meeting the organizers at the AIESEC Karlsruhe office
(Left: Pedro, from Brazil, yet German Student at KIT)

...fooooooood comes first!!! 

'Of course!'
Philip Staudt and Alex Emmerich (not only hungry and
           prepared for feedback, but also willing to
               delegate tasks :) )            

                                                           So, may the work begin!

    Colours, what we most like, defined our likes, neutral points
           and dislikes about the activities performed for us by the LC
during the introduction week at Fiducia IT AG

  And yes, in short, extremely tired after an explosive week, our one and a half meeting at brunch turned out to be a five hour session... :)) Really passionate AIESECers, don't you think?

     The bBox team was and still is grateful!
                 LC Karlsruhe, how about you? :)


  1. Memories!!
    Very efficient breakfast! (Even though, I saw a lot of tired eyes) New generations will be grateful for your input!! ^^


  2. Yes, Alex, this is what we hope too! I am sure the LC is going to perform really good for the ones to follow us in your pbox-es.

    I wish you all a very productive year, as well!

    P.S. pbox= project based on exchange(for the outseiders)
