Monday, February 14, 2011

bBox visited Volksbank Heilbronn

          Thursday, January 27th 2011, we made our way to Volksbank Heilbronn for a very much hoped productive visit. Common motivation? ‘Future banking.’  

        For the first point on the agenda, the Volksbank Heilbronn team presented a banking process that is performed in the Fiducia banking system Agree BAP. Mr. Reinhold Borchardt, Mr. Alexander Gysinn (Volksbank Heilbronn) and Mr. Michael Buchberger (Fiducia IT AG, PMM, München) have together explained the logic of  a consumer loan  process, dividing it into steps and showing it into more detail in the agree. At the same time, they answered the questions of the bBox players and Mr. Jens Zimmermann, one of the initiators of the project. This way, the process was translated into the real life banker’s experience: how much time does it usually take to complete the process, what problems can arise, conditions, exceptions.


           What followed, was the bBox presentation of our work since October 25th, when we joined Fiducia IT AG. After an important stage of selecting the most promising ideas and merging them into innovative concepts, the team was challenged to integrate them into a functional application in a tablet, in only ten days. More precisely, in Heilbronn, there have been two sessions, one introducing new ideas related to a customer screen used in the ‘bank clerk – client’ interaction and another presenting new ways to navigate through processes within a 360° desktop, e.g. Process Fahrplan.
            Therefore, it was the perfect context for the Volksbank Heilbronn’s bank clerks, who later on joined the meeting, to actually ‘play’ with the tablets and test the functionality of the bBox application.
   Felipe Goyes (bBox)                                                                                     Delyanna Stoyanova (bBox)
          Volksbank Heilbronn members being explained how the application runs
          As a final result, the visit really had an interesting and productive exchange of information. Not only it provided feedback for both the parties, but it was of great relevance for the bBox members to understand the needs of a banker as an end user of the IT specialists’ work. We have now the goal to focus on the ideas that have reached common interest and could, in the near future, become the new way of interaction in banking.                                        

          Volksbank Heilbronn customer screen prototype                                       

''We would like to thank the team from Volksbank Heilbronn for their positive attitude regarding the bBox Project and for their cooperation!''
                                         The bBox Team

1 comment:

  1. Wow, in just 10 days... how much ideas did you make work in that time? Great opportunity for an exchange of ideas. I guess, you gained some hints for user-friendliness?! ;)
    What's about that customer screen about? Sounds fascinating!
